Site of the famous fence-painting scene.  
Here, Tom talks with Becky while Huck
spies on them from behind a barrel.  I
built all the sets.
The following summer I was co-producer of another
production of Tom Sawyer -- this time at the Pasadena
Playhouse.  This is the classroom scene, where Tom
gets a spanking from the teacher.
In this scene, Huck and Jim tell Tom about
their plan to run away to a free state
In this 1960 production I played the part of
Old Man Finn.  Here I am outside my trailer
This is my apartment in Hollywood.  For the first
time, I was able to indulge in some interior
decorating. The face above the desk is a life
mask of me that was made by a friend at U of H.
I then painted it realistically. I painted the
matchstick curtains black, then spattered them
with gold.   
After graduation from UCLA with an MA in Broad-
casting, I went to work here at Columbia Square as a
junior executive.  In 2005 it was announced that the
CBS studios and headquarters would be relocated
and this 1938 building would be torn down.
The bamboo panels in the ceiling add a bit of
interest to the otherwise blank expanse.  These are
described in "Angel's Flight" as part of the decor in
Pierre's apartment.  I also painted the abstract
image above the bed.
I made this coffee table out of plywood and
painted it gold.  It seems to be floating about six
inches above the grass mat.  You can see part
of the couch, which I made out of plywood and
covered it with foam rubber and Madras cloth.  
These are also described in "Angel's Flight."
View from my balcony
Our next show was a musical comedy called "Little
Mary Sunshine," a campy parody of "Springtime in
the Rockies," starring Nelson Eddy and Jeanette
McDonald.  This set is a courtyard in front of the
hotel, lit for daytime.
Closer shot of "No Time for Heaven."
Since I had free use of the scene shop, I used it to
build this dresser for my apartment in Huntsville.
Another angle.  Notice that the table top seems to
float above the main drawer, and all the other
drawers are cantilevered.
This is the flying purple table described in "Angel."
In the summer of 1965 I made a grand
tour of 13 countries in Europe, with
nothing but a backpack, a Eurail pass,
and a Youth Hostel card.  Here, a
photographer caught me looking over
the ruins of the Temple of Apollo at
After  that first semester at Sam Houston they were able to
hire a regularTechnical Director and I was allowed to assume
my duties as head of Radio-TV.  This is a primitive editing
system that I set up in a storeroom.  I made a number of films
and produced a weekly radio program.
I built this desk at about the same time I built the dresser; here you see it set up in my apartment today,
43 years later.  I built the extension arm to hold a 23-inch monitor, to accommodate my poor eyesight.
I also built this room-divider-rock-garden.  The TV is
mounted on a platform that swivels on top of the boulder.
 It can be rotated to face into the living room or the
bedroom.  This is also described in "Angel."
When my folks came out for Christmas, I made
this spiral tree -- described in "Angel."
After two years at CBS I accepted a position at
Sam Houston State University.  My office was in
this building, called "Old Main," and in "Angel" it
became Gus Eriksen's office.
Although I was hired to run the Broadcasting Department,
during my first semester at Sam Houston I was pressed
into service as head of the scene shop.  I designed and
built this 19th century set for a play called "No Time for
Here the set is lit for night. The pink
tint is not a photographic defect, but
the director's choice.