Mt 2:13 Wise men follow star and report to Herod. Herod has all children slaughtered, and
Joseph and family flee to Egypt, where Jesus grows up. Contra Mk, Lk, & Jn, in which none of
this happened. Lk 2:39 says Jesus grew up in Nazareth.
Lk 2:1-7 Joseph comes to Bethlehem to pay taxes; stays in manger; Jesus born there;
shepherds hear angels and come visit. Contra Mt, Mk, & Jn, in which none of this happened.
In Lk, there is no star, no wise men, and no slaughter and flight, as in Mt.
In fact, Mk and Jn apparently thought there was nothing at all unusual about Jesus' birth. It is
not even mentioned.
Jn 2:1-11 says that when Jesus turned water to wine at age thirty-three, that was first sign of
messiahship, thus denying anything unusual about birth or baptism (in which God supposedly
spoke from Heaven.) Jn 7:40 says Jesus not born in Bethlehem, as the Scriptures had
predicted The Christ would be, (and which was later supplied by Matthew and Luke).
Acts 13:22 Messiah was prophesied to be descendant of David; there was no mention of
virgins. And in Rom 1:1 Paul denies Virgin Birth; he says Jesus is a descendant of David
according to the flesh. And in Rev 22:16 Jesus says he is descendant of David. Throughout, He
admits He is the son of Joseph according to the flesh, the son of God only "spiritually;" He
never mentions a Virgin Birth. (Note: Virgin Birth an obvious Pagan influence, in which
everybody who was anybody was the son of a virgin and a god. Discussed at greater length
Mt 10:1 & Mk 3:13 Jesus appoints twelve disciples, including one Thaddaeus, and one Judas.
Contra Lk 6:13, Jn 14:22 & Acts 1:12, in which the twelve include two Judases: Judas
Iscariot, and Judas, the brother of James, but no one called Thaddaeus. (Note: Pagan sun-gods
often had twelve "satellites," since the solar year is divided into twelve lunar months.)
Lk 22:45 Disciples go to sleep in garden and are awakened by Jesus only once. Contra Mt
26:36, & Mk 14:32 in which it happens a nice even three times. (Note: Ancient mysticism
regarded the number three as the most magical of all numbers. See "trinities" later in discussion.
Sevens, tens, and forties were rather potent also; but in all mythology, things are made to
happen in threes if at all possible. (In tracing the origins of the Bible through language analysis,
researchers found that originally it said baptism should be done in the name of the Father and
Son only; but several hundred years later, some scribe could no longer stand copying such an
awkward number, so he rounded it out to the more significant, and aesthetically satisfying, three
by adding a separate "Holy Ghost.")
Mt 26:49, & Mk 14:43 Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. Contra Jn 18:4 in which he does not;
Jesus voluntarily turns Himself over to the soldiers as soon as He sees them. (Note: A bit
strange that, if Jesus had been speaking to multitudes, it would be necessary for a disciple to
point Him out.)
Lk 22:50 Ear of guard is cut off, and Jesus puts it back on. Contra Mt, Mk, & Lk, in which He
just lets it lie on the ground.
Lk 23:6 Pilate sends Jesus to Herod; Herod sends Him back. Contra other three Gospels, in
which he does no such thing.
Mt 27:24 Pilate washes hands. In other Gospels he does not.
Jn 19:17 Jesus carries His own cross. Contra Mt, Mk, & Lk, in which man called Simon of
Cyrene carries it for Him.
Mt 27:28 Jesus is given a scarlet robe to wear to the cross. (Symbol of infamy.) Contra Mk
15:17 in which it is purple. (Symbol of royalty.)
Mk 15:23 Jesus is offered a drink of myrrh. In others it is vinegar.
Mt 27:46 Jesus had been up on cross for three hours, then says, "My God, why hast thou
forsaken me," then He utters a loud shout and dies. There is no spear wound. (Note: It took
weeks for a man to die on a cross. And when he finally did die, through starvation, exposure,
and slow paralysis, he was in no condition to shout.)
Mk 15:33 Same story. (Note: Strange, though, why He would say God had forsaken Him if
He knew He was going to die. Perhaps He really had expected God to save Him at the last
Jn 19:30 Jesus' last words are "It is finished," then He bows head and quietly expires, contrary
to above story. John then says that after He had died, then He was pierced with a spear "that
you might believe" . . . (that anyone could die on a cross in three hours) ..."and that the
Scripture might be fulfilled" (in which it was predicted that the Messiah would be speared.)
Lk 23:43 Jesus talks with criminals. Contra other Gospels, in which He does not.
Lk 23:34 Jesus says "Father, forgive them," talks briefly with the criminals, then in a loud voice
He utters His last words, "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit," contrary to both other
Mt 27:52 Upon Jesus' death, tombs were opened and dead saints arose from their graves. In
other Gospels, they did nothing of the kind. There is also no mention of what happened to these
resurrected saints. Did they go back to their jobs and families? Did they have to go to court to
reclaim their property? How much longer did they live?
Mt 27:62 Only mention of tomb being sealed and a guard set. In other three Gospels, no
precautions were taken to guard tomb at all. In Mk 16:3 the girls were planning to enter the
tomb with gifts and were wondering who might be around to help them move the rock.
Mk 16:5 An ordinary young man is in the tomb to tell the girls Jesus is gone. Contra Mt 28:1 in
which young man has grown into an angel, and an earthquake is added. Contra Lk 24:1 in
which girls now have witnesses with them.
Mt 27:3 Judas is paid in 30 silver pieces, and hangs himself. Contra other Gospels, in which he
does no such thing.
Mt 28:8 Girls leave tomb and meet Jesus on road, and recognize Him immediately. Contra Lk
24:13 in which He first appears to girls on the road, but they walk and talk with Him for hours
before they recognize Him. Contra Jn 20:1-18 in which He appears for first time to Mary
Magdalene while she is still at the tomb, alone, and she mistakes Him for the gardener. Contra
Mk 16:8 in which He never appears to anyone again, except in a phony passage written in
years later by some overzealous scribe; but in that passage, He appears for first time to Mary
Magdalene in her own home.
Mt 28:16 Jesus, appears to disciples and commands them to go forth and baptize in the name
of the trinity. In other Gospels He does not.
1 Cor 15:6 Paul says Jesus appeared to over five hundred persons at once sometime after His
death. None of the Gospels apparently thought it important enough to mention.
Mt 12:30, & Lk 11:23 Jesus says "He who is not for me is against me." Contra Mk 9:40 & Lk
9:49 in which He says "He who is not against me is for me." So if one prefers to ignore the
whole issue, he is sent to Heaven in Mt & Lk 11, and to Hell in Mk and Lk 9.
Lk 12:9 Jesus says anyone who denies Him will be denied, then in the next breath He says, no
he won't either.
Jn 14:27, Eph 2:14, 6:15, & Col 1:10 Jesus is said to bring peace to the world, and to preach
a gospel of peace. All of which contradict Mt 24:9-13 "Then they will deliver you up to
tribulation and put you to death; and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake." And
Mt 10:34-39 I do not bring peace, but war, death, destruction. And Mt 10:21-22, & Mk
13:12 "Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise
against parents and have them put to death; and you will be hated by all for my name's sake."
And Lk 12:51, 21:16 "Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you,
but rather division, for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, father against son, and
son against father, mother against daughter" ... etc. Lk 14:26 & 14:33 One must hate his family
and renounce all that he formerly loved in order to be a Christian.
1 Jn 3:15 "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer and no murderer has eternal life."
Contra God's wholesale murders, and 1 Jn 4:15 & 5:12-13 whoever confesses Jesus is saved.
(Note: How much hate has there been, and how many millions of murders have been
committed for the sake of Jesus!)
Mk 10:17 Jesus says to be saved, one must obey the ten commandments, which He does not.
As in Mk 5:13, when He drives a herd of 2,000 pigs into the ocean without so much as a
beg-your-pardon. In Mk 11:1 He orders disciples to steal a horse for Him. (In Jn 12:14 it is
not a horse, but an ass; and in Mt 21:1 it is both.) And Mt 19:29, 12:46-50, Mk 3:31, 10:29,
Lk 8:20, 9:59-62, 18:29 Jesus consistently denies, ignores, and insults His family and
encourages others to do so. Contra commandment to honor father and mother.
2 Thess 3:6-13 Anyone who does not work and wanders around preaching (as Jesus did) shall
not eat. And 1 Tim 5:8 Anyone who does not provide for his family is doomed. And 1 Thess
4:10 in which Paul says to live quietly and work with your hands. All of which contradict
evangelism, and Mt 6:25 "Neither sow nor reap." And Mt 6:19 "Do not lay up for yourselves
treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but lay
up treasures in Heaven." And Mk 10:29, & Lk 18:29 "Truly, I say to you there is no one who
has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and
for the gospel who will not receive a hundred-fold" . . . And Lk 12:13-31 "Therefore I tell you,
do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, nor about your body what you shall put
on" ... etc. God, He says, will provide.
Mt 5:21-23 Jesus says if anyone calls another a "fool" he will go to Hell. Contra Mt 23:17, Lk
11:40 in which He breaks His own rules and calls them all fools.
Mt 5:33-37 Jesus says it is sinful to swear by anything. "Let your yea be your yea, and your
nay be your nay." Contra Mt 23-17 in which He breaks His own rules again and swears by
Heaven. Heb 6:17 God swears by an oath. Heb 7:20 Jesus is sworn into priesthood by God.
Rev 10:6 Angel swears by God. Gen 47:29 Joseph swears by his father's testicles. Also contra
all modern legal swearing on Bible, and "so help me God."
Phil 4:6 Paul says make your requests known to God through prayer. Contra Heb 4:13,
omniscience of God, and Acts 13:48, & Rom 12:3-6, doctrine of predestination.
Mt 16:16-20 Peter supposedly appointed first "Pope." Contra Mk 8:27-30 and all other
Gospels in which he is not.
1 Pet 3:15 Be prepared to defend your faith against unbelievers. Contra 2 Tim 2:14, 3:1-9,
2:23-26, & 1 Tim 6:20, in which Paul says not to argue with anyone who disbelieves Paul's
doctrine because he might convince you he is right, in which case, of course, you would both
go to Hell.
Lk 9:5 Jesus says if one will not listen, shake the dust of his house from your feet as a testimony
against it. And in Lk 10:10 He graphically describes the horrors that will befall a town which
doesn't listen. Contra Lk 9:51 in which a town refuses to listen; but when the disciples begin to
mutter imprecations against it as they had been told, Jesus rebukes them.
2 Tim 4:2 Go out and preach the gospel; make everybody listen; grab them by the lapels.
Contra Jas 3:1 which says do not preach; there are too many preaching already, and everyone
is getting confused. In Mk 12:38 Jesus condemns most preachers. And in Acts 16:6 the Holy
Spirit forbids the teaching of Christianity in Asia. However, they do anyway, without
Rom 11:20 Paul says do not become "proud" of your faith, but stand in awe. And Lk 18:9
Repentant sin is better than prideful virtue. Both of which are contrary to Rom 15:17, 2 Cor
1:12, & Heb 3:6 in which Paul repeatedly boasts of his faith, and says one should take pride in
Rom 14:10 Paul says "Do not presume to judge your brother." But in 1 Cor 5:3, 5:13, 6:1, 1
Tim 1:18, & 5:20 he proceeds to judge and give instructions for judging. And in 2 Thess 3:14
Paul says if anyone dares to believe one of the disciples instead of his inspired doctrine, that
person must be driven from the land (and woe be unto his soul).
Mk 9:7 & 1:11 God speaks to a crowd from the sky. Contra Jn 5:37 in which Jesus says no
man has ever heard the voice of God. Contra all of Old Testament in which God is constantly
talking to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc.
Mt 24:29, Mk 13, Lk 21:10-28, & 17:30-37 Jesus describes second coming and the ensuing
Kingdom of God complete with many signs and miracles. Contra Lk 17:20 in which Jesus says
the Kingdom of God is not coming with signs and miracles, but is now within.
Mt 10:23, 16:28, 24:33-35, 1 Pet 4:7, 1 Jn 2:18, Lk 9:27, Mk 9:1, & 13:30 Jesus explicitly
states He will return to earth in the Second Coming within a few months at most: "Before the
end of the present generation" ..."many of you will not taste death before the Son of Man
returns," etc. Contra Mk 13:32 in which He says He does not know when it will be. (Also
interesting to note that He didn't come.)
Jas 1:13 God tempts no one. Contra Lord's Prayer "Lead us not into temptation," and Rom
11:31 in which Paul says God deliberately leads men astray so He can show them mercy.
Becomes embarrassed at this absurdity and says "How inscrutable are His ways."
Mk 4:22 Jesus says all things should be known. Contra Mk 4:10 in which He says He speaks
in parables so most people will not understand and be saved. (Which would seem rather a
fiendish little joke to be playing on the immortal souls of uncounted millions.)
1 Cor 7:1-9 Sex is sin; however, it is better to marry than to burn. Contra 1 Coy 7:25-40 It is
better not to marry; neglect everything but saving one's soul, for time is short before the Day of
Mt 5 to 8 Sermon on the Mount was on a mount. Contra Lk 6:17 in which it is not on a
mountain, but on a "level place." Mark has no sermon at all; the same sayings are scattered
throughout his whole text.
Rom 12:9 Paul says we should hate what is evil; which contradicts his argument Rom 7:7 that
"The Evil" causes "The Good." (Discussed further in Part Two, Sect 4, Paragraph d.)
Jn 2:23 Says that Jesus performed many signs (after the wine incident) which the people saw
and believed. Then in Jn 4:54 he says after that, He healed a sick boy, which was the second
sign of anything unusual about Him. (According to our calculations, it should be at least the
fourth. And this is also John's second flat denial of the virgin birth.)
Heb 2:14 Says Jesus died to destroy the Devil. Contra all mention of the Devil since the
Mk 8:11, & Lk 11:29 People were always asking for a sign, so they would know if Jesus was
the Christ, and Jesus was always saying that no sign would be given them. Yet the Gospels
report scores of signs and miracles which were witnessed by multitudes. So it would appear
that the (believing) reporters of the Gospels saw a great many more signs and miracles than the
(unbelieving) crowds did, and more than Jesus, Himself, did. (Discussed further in Part Two,
Sect. 7)
What must we do to be saved?
Well now, in Jn 3:16, Mt 10:14-15, Rom 3:27 & 9:30 Faith that Jesus was the Son of God is
the only key to Heaven; no amount of good works are of any avail without that. But in Lk
10:25-37 Jesus says one must do good works in order to be saved. And also Jas 2:17, &
2:24 "Faith without works is dead." And in Mk 9:41 Jesus says good works alone will bring
rewards. And in Rom 2:6 Paul even says good works will get one immortality.
Apparently, faith alone will not do it; and works alone will not do it.
So to play it safe, perhaps booth are necessary.
However, it seems that, Mt 6:24, one cannot do good work and serve God also. Lk 16:15
"What is exalted in men is despised by God." and Jas 4:4 "A friend of the world is an enemy
of God." And 1 Jn 2:15 "Cannot love the world and God" "No man can serve two masters."
And Col 2:20-3:4 Cannot belong to Jesus and the earth. And Rom 8:5 "Those who set their
mind on the flesh die, those on the spirit live," etc.
So faith alone is no good, and works alone are no good; and one cannot
have them both together. Ah well, there are other possibilities.
There is Jn 3:3 "one must be born again." or Mk 10:19 Anyone who obeys the Ten
Commandments will be saved. But Jn 12:48, 5:24, 6:28, 8:51, & 1 Jn 2:4 all insist that one
must believe and do all that Jesus said in order to be saved (which would include the ability to
work miracles, cast out demons, prophesy, heal by laying on hands, and do all the
contradictory things - which would, indeed, be a miracle). Then there is Mk 10:17, & 10:21
where Jesus says one must give away everything and dedicate his life to preaching the Gospel
in order to be saved. But that is not likely to appeal to many; so Jas 5:19 says anyone who
saves a sinner will have eternal life. Or there is Jn 6:53; Jesus says only those who eat His
flesh and drink His blood regularly will be saved. Finally, in Mk 16:16 "He who believes and
is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs
will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in
new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt
them; they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover." ... In which case it would
appear that few persons today do actually "believe."
As a matter of fact, in order to be saved, Mt 5:48 "You must be perfect." And since "We
have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God," Tim 6:15, "God alone is immortal," Ps 90:
So it would seem there is nothing one can do to be saved. Since there are
so many choices, which are all mutually exclusive of one another, any
path that one takes is as likely to be damning as any other. However,
every sect of Christianity selects some combination of the above and
ignores all the rest. Then each sect pities all others for having been led
astray by false prophets.
In the notes which follow, it will be obvious to the careful reader that
there are contradictions to the Ten Commandments, the teachings of
Jesus, modern beliefs, "Sins of the fathers not visited on children," and
the concepts of a God of Mercy, Righteousness, etc. So we will only call
the incidents to his attention without belaboring him with the obvious.
Lev 19:26 Witchcraft, predicting, shaving, haircuts, and tattoos are forbidden. Lev 20:27
Witches and Wizards must be stoned to death.
Lev 15:16-19 Uncleanliness of sex. Contra Gen 1:27, & 1 Tim 4:4 in which all things made by
God are said to be clean and good.
Deut 23:1 No one with mutilated sex organs, or of illegitimate birth may be allowed to
worship, nor may any of his children, down to the tenth generation. Contra later circumcision,
as well as "sins of fathers," etc.
Lev 19:19 Cross-breeding of cattle and synthetic cloth specifically forbidden.
Lev 14:49 & 15:11 God explains how Leprosy and Gonorrhea may be cured by sprinkling the
blood of two turtledoves around the house, with proper incantations.
Lev 13:1 God explains proper rituals for priests in order to cure Leprosy. Lev 13:12 He says
that when disease has completely covered the body, and the flesh has turned milk-white, the
patient is then clean, and may be returned to the tribe.
Gen 20:12, 19:33 & 29:9-30 God repeatedly condones incest - daughters sleep with father;
cousin with cousin; brother marries sister, etc.
Gen 9:13 God dedicates the rainbow. Must assume the laws of light refraction different before
that time.
Mt 7:22, 8:16, 8:28-33, 9:32, 10:1, 12:22-28, Mk 1:23-34, 3:11, 5:2-13, 9:17, 9:29, Lk 8:
30, 11:24 Jesus clearly believes all diseases caused by demons in the body. He argues with the
demons, describes their nature, and explains how to cast them out.
Mk 9:29 Jesus says epilepsy demon can only be cast out by prayer.
Rom 13:1.7, 1 Pet 2:18-3:6, 2:13, Heb 13:17, Eph 6:5, 1 Tim 6:1, Tit 2:9, Col 3:22. All
governments and human institutions are divinely ordained. To resist any emperor is to resist
God. Any revolution against an established order is sinful. Slavery is a divine institution; and
slaves should love their masters even as they beat them. In Ex 21:1-24:1 God describes the
proper care and beating of slaves.
1 Cor 11:2-16 "Woman is made for man, not man for woman." Col 3:18 Women must be
submissive to their husbands at all times. 1 Cor 11:2-16 Women must be veiled in church. 1
Cor 14:34 Women may never speak in church at all. 1 Tim 2:8 Women must never adorn
themselves or ever have any authority over men.
1 Tim 5:5 Widows must not remarry. 1 Tim 5:9 Widows under sixty must not be admitted to
the church because they might try to remarry.
1 Cor 14:1-39 Discourse on importance of speaking in tongues and of prophesying. Contra
Lev 19:26 and 20:27 in which God forbids prophesying.
Rom 6:13, 1 Thess 4:4 All sex is sin. Rev 14:4 Those who have not "defiled" themselves with
women will be saved. Mt 5:27-29 To desire a woman is sinful. Rom 6:6 Body is totally sinful.
Only by dying can we escape sin. Gal 5:16 The flesh and the spirit are totally opposed. Mt 16:
24-27, 18:7-9, Mk 9:43, 10:23 One must sacrifice this life for the next. Rom 8:18 Any
suffering is to be endured in this life for the greater glory of the next. Jn 12:25 He who loves
this life will die, he who hates it will live eternally. Rom 7:14-25, Rom 13:14 We must mortify
the flesh, for only the spirit is good. But come to think of it, even the spirit is not above
reproach, because Jer 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful and corrupt above all things."
Lev 19:32 & Deut 10:20 One must fear God (rather than love Him.) Mt 5:27-29 One should
live in constant guilt and fear of Hell. Eph 5:4
Christians should not laugh or be gay. 1 Cor 10:7 Music and dancing are evil. Jas 4:9 Be
wretched, cringe, weep, do not be happy and you will be saved. 1 Cor 9:27 Paul says he
whips himself, and 1 Cor 11:1 we must all imitate him. (Note: Our English word "jolly" came
from the Old French word "jolif," which was a corruption of the Latin word diabolivus,
meaning "work of the Devil.")
Gen 28:9 God endorses polygamy. Mt 25:1-13 Jesus does also, but not divorce. Mt 5:31, 19:
3, Mk 10:10, Lk 16:18 Divorce is adultery. Mt 19:10 Better to be castrated than divorced.
Mk 11:17 Jesus decries capitalism. Heb 13:5 Do not strive for material riches, be happy with
what you have. Jas 5 Rich man does not have a chance of getting into Heaven.
1 Sam 15:2, Deut 2:33, 3:6 God orders tribe slaughtered: women and children, camels and
Josh 11:6 God orders horses of enemy hamstrung.
Ex 22:20 Anyone who follows another religion must be killed.
Deut 21:18 If a father has a rebellious son, the father must stone him to death.
Lev 1:1 God explains exactly how animals, etc. are to be sacrificed. Contra Prov 12:10 "A
righteous man will treat his animals kindly" (unlike God).
Ex 12:29 God wipes out first born of every family in Egypt. People had committed no sins;
God just wanted to show off His power.
Ex 14:1-14:30 God again wipes out thousands of Egyptians in the Red Sea story just to show
off, or as He says, to "get glory" for Himself.
1 Chron 21:1 David orders census, which God considers an evil act, so God slays 75,000
people with His angel in order to get even with David.
2 Kings 9:30 Death of Jezebel. Interesting study in gore. God has her hurled from a rooftop,
and she splatters into pieces, which the dogs eat.
2 Chron 25:12 Amazi 'ah captures 10,000 prisoners then murders them in cold blood. God
disapproves only of his setting up idols.
Jer 39:1 God wipes out city of Jerusalem. Jer 42:1 The few survivors ask Jeremiah what to
do. God says they will be all right if they stay where they are; but under no circumstances may
they go to Egypt. So, naturally, they go to Egypt.
Num 16:31 Some people grumble about Moses, so God swallows them up in the ground;
wipes out the rest with fire from Heaven.
Num 31:10 Israelites loot a town and bring back women and children. Moses makes them kill
all women and children, except virgins, whom the men may keep for their pleasure.
Josh 10:1-42 Very bloody description of the Israelites slaying everyone before them.
Josh 11:19 God will not let other tribes make peace with the Israelites. He wants the other
tribes slaughtered.
Judg 11:29 God makes Jephthah burn his only daughter in return for a favor.
Judg 3:15 & 4:17 Couple of juicy murders. Woman pretends to give man shelter; while he
sleeps, she drives tent-peg through his head. God is very pleased.
Judg 14:19 God helps Sampson kill thirty men to pay off a minor debt.
2 Kings 6:24 God sends a famine which forces His chosen people to eat their own children.
1 Sam 2:25 God makes some people sin just so He can kill them for it.
Ezek 38:14-23 God says that when the Israelites return home and are dwelling peacefully
again, He will cause the "Gogs" to sweep down on them. Then He will trounce the Gogs with
such fervor, that everyone will know He is the biggest, baddest God of them all.
1 Sam 6:6 Admits that God slaughters millions just for fun of it.
Amos 4:6 Humorous passage. God is feeling sorry for Himself, and He says that even after
smiting His people more and more cruelly, they still don't love Him.
Gen 22:12 It is good to "fear" God, because 2 Chron 26:5 "fear" of God makes for prosperity
- namely, liquidation of one's enemies.
Ezek 20:3 & Is 45:9 Woe to him who dares inquire into God's ways. Book of Job, however,
does inquire into God's ways, and attempts to explain how God can be All Good and at the
same time inflict the world with so much obvious evil. The answer given is that God made
everything, so He can jolly well create a Satan to play games with if He pleases. But this
answer simply rests on a re-definition of words - a system of "doublethink." What is called
"sadism" when applied to man is re-defined as "Perfect Goodness" when applied to God.
What is called "stupidity" when applied to man, the theologians of today call "Infinite Wisdom"
when applied to God. What would be called ridiculous contradictions in any other book, are
re-defined as perfect consistencies when applied to "The Word of God."
2 Kings 1:9 Elijah murders several hundred with heavenly fire to show off his power.
2 Kings 2:11 Elijah taken alive to Heaven in a whirlwind.
Tim 6:20 Avoid all knowledge. 1 Cor 8:2 Knowledge is sinful. Mt 10:16 Wisdom equated
with evil. Mt 10:19, Mk 13:11 Do not study the problem, pray, and ask for divine guidance. 2
Cor 5:7 "We walk by faith, and not by sight." Rom 6:17 The ideal is to become free from sin,
and become slaves of God. In fact, 2 Cor 10:5, we must even make every thought a slave of
God. (Which, naturally, justifies the burning of all "freethinkers.")
Mt 13:37-42, 13:49, 25:41 Jesus says He will throw all evil-doers into Satan's furnace of fire.
And in Mk 9:42-49 He describes the agonies of Hell with relish.
Lk 13:23 Jesus says few people will be saved. Mt 7:13, 22:14 & 7:21 Most will go to Hell.
Jn 16:13 "Spirit of Truth" spoken of as "He." (Obvious Pagan influence, in which gods embody
abstract qualities - e.g. god, or "spirit" of beauty, "spirit of justice," etc. See Part Two, Sect 4-
Acts 5 Man and wife give all but a small portion of their goods to the church. God kills them
for not giving all.
Heb 7:1-3 An obscure King named Melchiz'edek had neither father nor mother and lives
forever. This would make him coequal with God and Christ.
Rom 9:14-23 Paul bogs down in the problem of God's injustice. He too solves it by re-
defining justice when applied to God. He also poses the problem of predestination, which
Jesus constantly emphasized, with free will, which Christianity presupposes. Paul solves this
problem by changing the subject.
Jn 14:6 Jesus says no one comes to the Father except by Him. This would exclude Adam,
Noah, Moses, Abraham, Melchiz'edek, and Elijah (who was taken up in a whirlwind), but
Heb 11:1 and Lk 16:16 say that all Old Testament stories are true.
Mk 14:17 Jesus says last supper, crucifixion, and the betrayal were all preordained from the
beginning of time. Then he says Judas will go to Hell for doing what God forced him to do.
Lk 1:15 Angels seem to be prohibitionists, but Jesus rather liked a nip now and then.
Acts 19:6 When the Holy Spirit enters, the sign is speaking in tongues.
Acts 19:19 Black Magic widely practiced, and at least two other magicians are mentioned at
other points who claimed to be the Messiah.