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More Recent Reviews
From Reader Reviews:  Reviews Written by Troy A. Heck
(Oxford, Michigan), October 28, 1997
Lucifer's Handbook: A Simplified Critique of Popular Religion by Lee Carter
(Five Stars) Comprehensive and intelligent critique of religion

Lucifer's Handbook starts with the thirteen basic arguments for religion.  The remainder of the
book is then concerned with debunking those arguments in a very intelligent and thoughtful way.  
The text is well organized, comprehensive, and extremely well thought out.  I found the
examination of the Christian Bible's contradictions with commonly accepted scientific findings as
well as with the Bible itself particularly enjoyable and illuminating.
From  By Robert Curry To: Tim
Ross.  "Here are some authors whose books you might find very interesting."
Mr. Curry lists 12 books, including those by Dr. Gordon Stein, George H. Smith, Isaac Asimov,
Bertrand Russell, and Charles Mackay.  One of the 12 books listed is
Lucifer's Handbook,
which he describes as "A compilation of all the arguments for the existence of God,
condensed and simplified into one neat volume."
C. Dennis McKinsey published a series of newsletters over a period of
several years, called
Biblical Errancy.  In 1995, he redacted these
newsletters into a concise volume called
The Encyclopedia of Biblical
published by Prometheus Books.  The original newsletters go into
more detail, and are available on-line at  At the end of
Issue #141 (Sept. 1994) he discusses the historicity of Jesus, and under the
closing section labeled INTERPRETATION he quotes
Lucifer's Handbook
"On pages 52 and 53 in Lucifer's Handbook (A tactically questionable title) Lee Carter says,
The great bulk of the Bible is made up of stories, poetry, and parables which
are ambiguous enough to enable anyone to read anything he pleases into
them....  no one can believe all the Bible; if one is to believe any of it, it is
necessary to select a few passages which agree with each other on some
point that one already believes anyway and ignore all the rest.  However, any
group of passages is just as valid (or as invalid) as any other, and the result is
the thousands of Protestant sects, or denominations....  The very reason
there are different sects is that they cannot agree on which parts are literal
and which metaphor.
Later on page 68 he says, "It should be apparent to all by now that the Bible is so ambiguous,
and says so many different things, that anyone can take a passage out of context here, and
another there, and piece them together to form any kind of doctrine he pleases, then claim the
Scriptures prove him right."
SCRIPTURE AND MENTAL HEALTH -- While discussing religion and mental health,
Carter makes the following blunt comments on page 75,
Until the advent of modern psychiatry, the deranged have always been
considered holy men.  In fact, according to historian Vardis Fisher, the Hebrew
word for 'prophet,' and 'lunatic' was one and the same.  Epileptics were
thought to be seized by God -- catatonics to have left their bodies --
hebephrenics to be speaking in angelic tongues.  Psychotics have always
been the shamans, seers, prophets, witch-doctors, wizards, and oracles -- up
until now.  Today, a potential Jeremiah, or John the Baptist is simply kept
under sedation.  But since we cannot reach the ones of the past to examine
their blood chemistry..., many assume they must have been the real article.
On the next page he states, "In point of fact, much sociological data is now available which
indicates that the more devoutly 'religious' a person, the more likely he is to be mentally disturbed."
 And he concludes his powerful assault by saying on page 66,
Any psychologist, social worker, and prison warden can easily explain the
simplest way to make a criminal.  Take one otherwise normal child, or adult,
and repeatedly humiliate him until he has no pride, dignity, or self-respect
left.  We then have an ideal Christian.  We also have a criminal.  A person
who no longer respects himself can no longer respect anything.  One who
does not love himself, cannot love anything.  If he hates himself, he hates
the world.