Sixteen Millimeter Films and Television Productions
After Jesus: The First Christians (2008) - Two-hour TV documentary broadcast on CNN in December
of 2008. An excellent program, narrated by Liam Neeson, about the conflicting opinions regarding
doctrines, writing of the Nicene Creed, and how the Bible was finally compiled. Quite scholarly, with
little or no Christian bias.
A Second Look at Religion - 16mm film distributed by the Freedom from Religion Foundation.
Barefoot in Athens (1966) - The trial of Socrates on charges of “corrupting the morals of youth.”- PBS
teleplay, starring Peter Ustinov.
Bible, The - Excellent TV series about origins of the Bible by an Australian archeologist.
Book, The - TV mini-series based on novel by Irving Wallace. Fictional story about biblical archeology
- which parallels the true story of how content of Dead Sea Scrolls has been suppressed to protect the
Christ myth.
Brave New World (1980) - Two TV movies, based on the book by Aldous Huxley. About the
techniques of mind control. The book was based on technology of the 1930s, and the 1980 movie
retained much of the original flavor. The 1998 remake, however, is a complete update, based rather
loosely on the book.
Brides of Christ (1991) - TV mini-series. Rather acerbic exploration of life in an Australian nunnery,
circa 1962.
Brief History of Disbelief, A (2004 - released in US 2007) - BBC production written and narrated by
Jonathan Miller in three one-hour episodes. This documentary traces the origins of skepticism from
ancient Greece to the present day. It features such leading figures as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennet,
Arthur Miller and Steven Weinberg.
Centennial (1978) - TV mini-series based on book by James Michener. Includes a hard look at
missionary activity on the Western frontier.
Clarence Darrow for the Defense - TV program, starring Henry Fonda.
Conversations With Joseph Campbell - PBS series about mythology.
Cosmos (1980) - PBS series about astronomy and cosmology, with Carl Sagan.
Diaries of Adam and Eve, The - By Mark Twain. David and Meredith Baxter Birney in a live
performance for American Playhouse. Droll but gentle satire of the Genesis story.
Ghosts Never Die - 16mm feature, by Milt Timmons, based on the play “Ghosts” by Henrik Ibsen.
Glory and the Power, The - PBS documentary of Christian fundamentalism in the U.S.
Godless in America (2006) -- BBC/Sundance documentary about the life and murder of Madalyn
Murray O'Hair. Directed by Leslie Woodhead and produced by Reggie Nadelson. A sympathetic look
at the founding of American Atheists, and the difficulty of being an atheist in America.
God on Trial (2008) - A 90 minute teleplay produced by PBS for Masterpiece Theater Contemporary.
It dramatizes the legend that a group of prisoners at Auschwitz held a mock trial in which Yahweh was
charged with breach of contract to protect the Jews. This all-British cast features 20 speaking parts,
inside a realistic barracks, using three to four hidden cameras. It was shot in real time with 20-minute
takes, so actors did not know when they were on camera, creating great dramatic intensity. There were
eleven major characters, including a physics professor, a lawyer, a highly educated rabbi from the city, a
simple country rabbi who knows the Torah by heart, a historian, and a cynical Jew who works for the
Nazis as a prison guard. The ancient problem of theodicy is fully debated. For those who have never
thought about the inherent contradictions of how a benevolent and omnipotent god can allow evil to
exist, this could be an eye-opener.
Heritage - 16mm short film by Milt Timmons.
I, Claudius (1976) - PBS mini-series about Christians in ancient Rome.
Long Search, The - PBS series on comparative religion.
Major Religions of the World - 16mm film by Encyclopedia Britannica.
Mark Twain Tonight (1967) - TV special in which Hal Holbrook recreates some of Twain’s greatest
Meeting of Minds, A (1977-1981) (certain episodes) - TV series by Steve Allen. Characters from
history are brought back to life and hold round table discussions.
Mormons, The (April 30, 2007) - A PBS documentary produced by the Frontline company as part of
The American Experience series. The executive producer for this four-hour program was Holon
Whitney. It traces the history of the Mormons from Joseph Smith to the present day expansion around
the world.
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit - Girl evangelist grows up to realize that she is a lesbian. Poignantly
satirical BBC study of British fundamentalism (3 hrs.)
Power of Belief, The - Reporter John Stossel surveys the many ways that gullibility can damage health
and finances.
Roots of Disbelief, The - 16mm film by McGraw/Hill.
Salem Witch Trials, The - Four hour miniseries on CBS, starring Kirstie Alley. (2002) This is a totally
different approach from Arthur Miller’s play. This one is an indictment of the whole concept of
supernaturalism. It paints the entire culture of Puritanism as totally insane - which leads inevitably to the
tragic climax of the witchcraft trials.
Search For the Nile (1971) - (Certain episodes) - PBS series.
Secret Files of the Inquisition (KOCE, May 24, 2007) - This is a four-part series produced by PBS.
The first two parts detail exactly what happened during the Roman and Venetian Inquisitions. It supplies
names, dates, specific laws and methods of torture and execution. Episode Four, The End of the
Inquisitions, covers the trials in Bologna, as well as the case of Napoleon vs. the pope, in which a
Jewish boy that had been kidnapped by the Church and raised as a Catholic caused such a scandal that
it led to the collapse of Church power.
Sister Aimee (2007) - PBS production of American Experience. One hour documentary about Aimee
Semple McPherson, founder of the Foursquare Gospel Church. It follows her life from a farm girl in
Canada to her rise as a megastar evangelist who built the Angeles Temple in Hollywood. Then she
disappeared for six weeks and turned up in Mexico, claiming she had been kidnapped. The public didn't
believe her story and her career declined. After struggling for years to regain her fame, she took an
overdose of sleeping pills and died in San Francisco. The coroner ruled it accidental. In the 1920s she
started the movement for fundamentalist Christians to gain control of the government.
Six Wives of Henry VIII, The (1970) - TV mini-series. Origins of the Anglican Church.
Steambath (1973) - PBS Hollywood Playhouse. God as a Puerto Rican steambath attendant.
Stop the Church - Documentary about the protest of gay activists against Cardinal O’Connor in NY
City. Cardinal Mahoney called for a Catholic boycott against KCET for showing it. A discussion
Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever - BBC documentary.
TNT: The Naked Truth - Documentary about the Egyptian origins of Christian mythology and