Personal Correspondence
From Jerry Buchanan, professional proofreader
Hi Milt. A long time ago I told you that it would take me a long time to read your book. I
savored every moment of the eight months or more that it took me to read it. I found it to
have great insight into reason. The search that Austin Adams went through was
enthralling. The comparative religion course was not dry like a pure text book would be.
By presenting the story of Austin's search, the study was very palatable. The history
lesson that went along with it was also very enlightening. While obviously a bit slanted, it
was tilted in the way many of us (meaning me) view history. The love and care and time
that you put into this work was very apparent. Thank you for the effort.
From Andrea Winkler, a friend in Los Angeles, with whom I had recently
worked on a movie
A friend to whom I gave your novel last Xmas emailed me about your book:
"It's a pretty amazing book, I think. Best history of the period I know of. I hope to get my
daughter to read it. She has no idea. Thanks very much for sending it."
I hope you enjoy receiving this feedback on your great novel! I look forward to reading
your next one.
After asking permission to quote the letter, I received this response:
My friend, Jim Pivonka, has given his okay to use the quote with his name. He is around
66 yrs. old and would like as many people as possible who are under 35 to read the
book. He lives in both LaCrosse, KS and Petaluma, CA. His web site is
Dialogue from a Chat Group:
I just noticed that there is a member here named Milton Timmons... is this the same
Miltion Timmons who is author of the book 'Everything About the Bible That You never
had Time to Look Up'? Or just someone being funny?
P.S. It's a good book by the way.
That's our Milt!
Well I'll be damned! It's an excellent book, Milt!
Yes. And I just finished reading his latest book, "Regarding an Angel's Flight." It's superb!
After thanking Renee for posting her review on Amazon, I received this
You're very welcome. I could hardly put your book down once I began the reading. Few
novels have made such an impact on me these days. Happy sales!...
Excerpts from the book